Test a set of query_regions for significant interactions with the viewpoint.

  design = ~condition,
  padj_method = "fdr",
  zscore_threshold = 2,
  padj_threshold = 0.1,
  alpha = 20,
  penalty = 0.1



UMI4C object as generated by makeUMI4C or the UMI4C constructor.


A formula or matrix. The formula expresses how the counts for each fragment end depend on the variables in colData. See DESeqDataSet.


GRanges object or data.frame containing the coordinates of the genomic regions you want to use to perform the analysis in specific genomic intervals. Default: NULL.


The method to use for adjusting p-values, see p.adjust. Default: fdr.


Numeric indicating the z-score threshold to use to define significant differential contacts. Default: 2.


Numeric indicating the adjusted p-value threshold to use to define significant differential contacts. Default: 0.1.


Approximate number of fragments desired for every basis function of the B-spline basis. floor((max(number of fragments)) / alpha) is passed to create.bspline.basis as nbasis argument. 4 is the minimum allowed value. Default: 20.


Amount of smoothing to be applied to the estimated functional parameter. Default: 0.1.


GRangesList where each element is a UMI4C sample with the queried regions and their adjusted p-values and Z-scores.


data("ex_ciita_umi4c") umi <- ex_ciita_umi4c win_frags <- makeWindowFragments(umi, n_frags=8, sliding=1) gr <- callInteractions(umi, ~condition, win_frags, padj_threshold = 0.01, zscore_threshold=2)
#> converting counts to integer mode
#> Warning: some variables in design formula are characters, converting to factors
#> #> [2021-10-28 14:22:50] Starting vstUMI4C #> > Samples of DDS object: #> ctrl_hi24_CIITA, ctrl_hi32_CIITA, cyt_hi24_CIITA, cyt_hi32_CIITA
#> [2021-10-28 14:22:51] Finished vstUMI4C
#> #> [2021-10-28 14:22:51] Starting smoothMonotoneUMI4C using: #> > Samples of DDS object: #> ctrl_hi24_CIITA, ctrl_hi32_CIITA, cyt_hi24_CIITA, cyt_hi32_CIITA #> > Alpha: #> 20 #> > Penalty: #> 0.1
#> #> Results #> #> Iter. PENSSE Grad Length Intercept Slope #> 0 0.3347 0.0076 5.2281 -0.6727 #> 1 0.3336 0.0058 5.379 -0.7141 #> 2 0.3335 0.0012 5.3969 -0.7191 #> #> Results #> #> Iter. PENSSE Grad Length Intercept Slope #> 0 0.1341 0.0056 5.2219 -0.6236 #> 1 0.1339 0.0015 5.2443 -0.63 #> #> Results #> #> Iter. PENSSE Grad Length Intercept Slope #> 0 0.3316 0.0221 5.2695 -0.6511 #> 1 0.3244 0.0176 5.6284 -0.7426 #> 2 0.3231 0.0037 5.6977 -0.7613 #> 3 0.3229 0.0028 5.7545 -0.7773 #> #> Results #> #> Iter. PENSSE Grad Length Intercept Slope #> 0 0.1633 0.0087 5.1198 -0.587 #> 1 0.162 0.0068 4.989 -0.5469 #> 2 0.1617 0.002 4.961 -0.5386
#> [2021-10-28 14:22:52] Finished smoothMonotoneUMI4C
inter <- getSignInteractions(gr)