Takes the variance stabilized count values and calculates a symmetric monotone fit for the distance dependency. The signal trend is fitted using the fda package. The position information about the viewpoint have to be stored in the metadata as metadata(dds)[['bait']].

smoothMonotoneUMI4C(dds, alpha = 20, penalty = 0.1)



DDS object as generated by vstUMI4C with the variance stabilized count values.


Approximate number of fragments desired for every basis function of the B-spline basis. floor((max(number of fragments)) / alpha) is passed to create.bspline.basis as nbasis argument. 4 is the minimum allowed value. Default: 20.


Amount of smoothing to be applied to the estimated functional parameter. Default: 0.1.


DDS object with monotone smoothed fit counts.


This function computes the smoothing function for the VST values, based on fda package, and calculates a symmetric monotone fit counts for the distance dependency